Current Tournament:

PTCGP CEBU Global Open #3 - Space-Time Smackdown | FEB 08, 2025 Saturday 9:30am ( GMT+8 )

Registration and Decklist Submission process

Step 1: Visit the Tournament page and click Register Now

step 1.png

Step 2: Register with your In-game name so your opponent will know that it is you.

step 2.png

Step 3: Submit your Decklist by going to Registrations page and click on the Submit button.

step 3.png

or through the Dashboard page (click the word Dashboard). This is also where you can Edit your Decklist or Registration.

The Check-In button also appears here.

step 3-1 dashboard.png

For some reason you wan to drop out of the tournament, you can do that through the Edit Registration page.

step 3-2 check in button.png